پلگ ان ٹیگ: data privacy
illow – Cookies Consent
(136 total ratings)Illow has a customizable cookie banner that makes your website compliant with GDPR, Argentine LPDP, LGPD, CASL, PIPEDA, VCDPA, CPA, CTDPA, APA, LFPDPP …
All-in-One Data Privacy & Cookie Policy Solution for GDPR/CCPA
(6 total ratings)If you make money with your web site and you don’t protect your users, you could face huge fines. Now there is a way to protect your business, without …
CCPA Privacy Manager
(0 total ratings)The CCPA Toll Free plugin is brought to you by Privacy Toll Free, LLC. It enables you to quickly integrate the 866-I-OPT-OUT privacy hotline and web f …
Cookie Dash
(0 total ratings)A plugin for quickly deploying Google Tag Manager on WordPress, with a cookie consent popup that disables the container if consent is declined.