پلگ ان ٹیگ: display
FS Revenue Maximizer
(1 total ratings)Adds your Adsense or any other ads inside your content ( after the first or second paragraph ), enabling you to increase your revenue 10 times.
Last.fm Recent Plays – WordPress Plugin
(0 total ratings)With this simple plugin you can easily add your most recent scrobbles on Last.fm to your WordPress website.
Bibliar Search in the Bible
(0 total ratings)Comfortable widget to embed in your blogsite that allow to visits to searching in the Bible.
PHP Version Display
(1 total ratings)Display the currently PHP-MYSQL version at the end of "At a Glance" admin dashboard widget
Display OpenCart Category
(0 total ratings)Display OpenCart Category is a WordPress plugin that allows you to show categories
Display Posts Shortcode, Current Page Custom Field Add-On
(0 total ratings)Convert "current" as the current page ID when using the display posts shortcode to query custom fields.
Distinct Preview
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds a big red "preview" watermark to post previews. Never again be confused whether you're looking at a preview or a publi …
Display Attached File Size
(1 total ratings)It is plug-in which displays file size on the list of Media Library.
Ajax Scroll
(0 total ratings)Turns standard 'next' and 'previous' post links into animated AJAX scrolling.
WoWTag Widget
(0 total ratings)Enter your Character's name and realm and a WoWTag displaying your avatar, name, race, class, guild, level and title will be placed on your site.
User ID
(0 total ratings)This is a WordPress plugin which displays user id with a simple shortcode or PHP code.
Display IDs
(0 total ratings)What this plugin does is to display IDs on admin pages, as it was in versions prior to 2.5
NP Twig: Front End for Custom Field & ACF
(0 total ratings)NP Twig Front End for WordPress Custom Field and Advance Custom Fields. Renders data using a twig template. It supports both free ACF and ACF pro.
Paged Post List Shortcode
(0 total ratings)Display a list of items (posts or pages) with pagination. Use shortcode: [list_posts_paged]