پلگ ان ٹیگ: featured image
RSS with Images
(6 total ratings)Seamlessly adds featured images to your RSS feed with customizable sizing options.
Featured Image Thumbnail Grid
(10 total ratings)Display a post Thumbnail Grid using Featured Images
Category Featured Images Extended
(7 total ratings)Set images for categories and tags, especially for fallback post thumbnails or featured images.
External URL Featured Image
(8 total ratings)Use an external url image as Featured Image for your posts, pages, and other kind of post types.
Featured image to All-Posts
(1 total ratings)Add thumbnails of featured image to a column of admin All Posts page. No complecated settings.
Automatic Featured Image Posts
(12 total ratings)Automatic Featured Image Posts creates a new post with a Featured Image every time an image is uploaded.
Smart Post Lists Light
(4 total ratings)Create custom post lists based on options you choose from a form in a widget. Different types of lists, blog, portfolio, services pages. No coding.
Insert Featured Image Shortcode
(1 total ratings)Adds a shortcode to insert the post's featured image into the post's content.
Post Thumbnail Extras
(2 total ratings)Make using post thumbnails easier for everyday wordpressing.
Featured Image via URL
(6 total ratings)Automatically generate the Featured Image from the specified image url in post.
Auto Featured Image (Auto Generated)
(6 total ratings)Automatically generate a featured image from the post title (Background with post title overlay) from media library. This plugins generate a featured …
Featured images in RSS feed — RSS Chimp
(1 total ratings)RSS Chimp adds featured images to your RSS feed in the and and enclosure tag for Mailchimp, Google News, Feedly, Flipboard, and other services that …
Genesis Featured Video
(5 total ratings)Replace featured images in a Genesis theme with a featured video from YouTube, Vimeo and other sources.
Featured Link Image
(4 total ratings)Add a meta box in the Links add/edit page for easy uploading/inserting images in your bookmarks.
Genesis Featured Image Header
(2 total ratings)Easily add a featured image to the header of every page on your site including Custom Post Type archive pages.
WP Autoset Featured Image Plus
(6 total ratings)Check for an image inside text editor or use external images from anywhere as the featured image of your pages and posts.
Gabfire Media Module
(0 total ratings)Gabfire Media Module extends the functionality of WordPress Featured Image to support Videos and Default Post Images.
Youtube Thumbnail as Featured Image
(4 total ratings)Use a YouTube Thumbnail as a Featured Image for a WordPress Post. You only have to set a YouTue Video URL and the plugin does the rest.
Manage Admin Columns
(1 total ratings)This plugin adds a featured image column to WordPress Dashboard. It automatically adds a column to any post type which supports a featured image.