پلگ ان ٹیگ: page
Title Year ShortCode ===
(0 total ratings)A simple and nice plugin to echo the current year to your page or post title using a shortcode, as simple as that.
WP Statistics and Analytics
(0 total ratings)WP Statistics and Analytics is a simple plugin which, once enabled, will keep you update with page, post and user statistics with continuous updates t …
Page navigation by menu
(0 total ratings)Create navigation to next/previous pages similar to navigation for posts. Previous and next pages are determined from menu.
WP Sequential Page Number
(0 total ratings)WP Sequential Page Number is a WordPress plugin to generate a sequential page number.
Product Page Builder – Woo
(0 total ratings)Use your favourite page builder for your woocommerce product pages, just as you would for your other WordPress pages!
Auto URL Regenerator
(0 total ratings)Auto URL Regenerator is a plugin that adds a unique identifier to the URL of a posts and updates the identifier automatically on a regular basis.