پلگ ان ٹیگ: polls
Dynamic Surveys
(0 total ratings)Create and manage simple surveys with real-time results display using beautiful pie charts.
Sales Notifications, Reviews, Testimonials, Polls, and Feedback Widgets by Vouchkick
(0 total ratings)Did you know that 97% of your website visitors leave without buying or signing up for your email list? Most of them don't know if they can trust …
Business Matchup
(1 total ratings)This plugin will access the Yelp API and StrawPoll API to create polls based on a specific business category and city location that can then be shared …
Kontxt – Inline Engagement System: Highlights, Comments, Polls, Sharing
(0 total ratings)Kontxt is the web's leading interactive platform. Use Kontxt to increase engagement, boost traffic, keep readers, and build your audience.