پلگ ان ٹیگ: site map
WP Sitemap Page
(201 total ratings)Add a sitemap on any of your page using the simple shortcode [wp_sitemap_page]. Improve the SEO and navigation of your website.
Simple Site Map Page
(6 total ratings)Build your HTML site map page easily and manually with WordPress native menus.
Table of Contents Creator
(4 total ratings)Table of Contents Creator automatically generates a highly customizable dynamic site wide table of contents that is always up-to-date.
iRobots.txt SEO
(2 total ratings)iRobots.txt SEO is a SEO optimized, secure and customizable robots.txt virtual file creator.
Site Table of Contents
(0 total ratings)Site Table of Contents plugin allows a users to easily create a page that lists all posts and their respective categories in an easy to use and dynami …
Process Site Map
(0 total ratings)One time use plugin for processing visually ordered site map into nested pages.
BP XML Sitemap Generator for Buddypress by SHIFT1
(0 total ratings)Generate a BuddyPress XML sitemap to submit your BP group and member pages to Google, Bing and other search engines.
SW Video SiteMap
(0 total ratings)This plugin generates a video sitemap of posts in a given category. Use the settings to identify which categories, what custom fields contain your vi …