پلگ ان ٹیگ: social networks
Social News Center
(0 total ratings)Display latest Posts from social media sites like Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. Perform actions such as view profiles, Like, Share, Favorite & …
Social Share Love
(0 total ratings)Social Share Love plugin enables your blog readers to share articles on most important social bookmarking networks like Yahoo, Google, Facebook, etc.
Simple Socnets
(4 total ratings)This plugin was built by the Maine WordPress Meetup group to make it really easy to add social network icons to your posts.
Social Links Icons
(0 total ratings)Simply customize and manage links and icons to more than 25 social networks and add your own social networks!
MM Social
(0 total ratings)Place you social profile at your website's anywhere using shortcode : [MM_SOCIAL_ICON]
SiteMile Social Icons Widget
(1 total ratings)This plugin gives you a widget that contains all major social icons.