Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order

Order Categories and all custom taxonomies terms (hierarchically) using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript capability.

Nsp-Code 500,000+ سرگرم انسٹالیشناں Tested with 6.5.2 3 ہفتے پہلے اپ ڈیٹ تھیا

Highlight Search Terms

Very lightweight (vanilla) Javascript that wraps search terms in an HTML5 mark tag within WordPress search results.

RavanH 9,000+ سرگرم انسٹالیشناں Tested with 6.5.2 3 ہفتے پہلے اپ ڈیٹ تھیا

Terms & Conditions Per Product

Configure specific Terms and Conditions per WooCommerce product, category, or tag.

Terms Per Product 800+ سرگرم انسٹالیشناں Tested with 6.4.4 1 مہینہ پہلے اپ ڈیٹ تھیا

Reorder Terms

A simple and easy way to reorder your terms in WordPress.

Ronald Huereca 1,000+ سرگرم انسٹالیشناں Tested with 6.5.2 1 ݙین٘ہ پہلے اپ ڈیٹ تھیا

Post Terms Order – per Post based

Sort Taxonomy Terms per Post basis using a Drag and Drop Sortable JavaScript capability.

Nsp Code 3,000+ سرگرم انسٹالیشناں Tested with 6.4.4 3 مہینے پہلے اپ ڈیٹ تھیا

Woo Additional Terms

Improve your checkout process by adding an extra checkbox for terms and conditions. Keep track of acceptance to ensure transparency and security.

MyPreview 1,000+ سرگرم انسٹالیشناں Tested with 6.5.2 2 ہفتے پہلے اپ ڈیٹ تھیا

Terms descriptions

This plugin allows you to create list of terms and assign links to them. Plugin replaces terms occurrences in your posts with appropriate links.

Vladimir Statsenko 2,000+ سرگرم انسٹالیشناں Tested with 6.5.2 2 ہفتے پہلے اپ ڈیٹ تھیا

Beautiful taxonomy filters

Supercharge your custom post type archives by letting visitors filter posts by their terms/categories. This plugin handles the whole thing for you!

Jonathan de Jong 4,000+ سرگرم انسٹالیشناں Tested with 6.3.4 1 مہینہ پہلے اپ ڈیٹ تھیا


Impressum provides you with a full-fledged easy to use imprint generator right within your WordPress site.

Epiphyt 5,000+ سرگرم انسٹالیشناں Tested with 6.5.2 1 ہفتہ پہلے اپ ڈیٹ تھیا