پلگ ان ٹیگ: translation
MDBG Chinese-English dictionary
(0 total ratings)Links Chinese characters to the MDBG Chinese dictionary, allows conversion of pinyin tone numbers to tone marks and pinyin to pronunciation examples.
Change Date Language (Italian people)
(0 total ratings)Allows the users who have an Italian version of WordPress to translate dates to a wanted language.
GP Import Translations from wordress.org
(0 total ratings)A plugin for GlotPress as a WordPress plugin that imports a language from wordpress.org's translation site.
GP New Window for External Links
(0 total ratings)A plugin for GlotPress as a WordPress plugin to open external links in a new window.
WPMU Admin Interface Language
(0 total ratings)Lets WPMU user to select language in backend administration panel.
Translate English Words by Vocabla
(0 total ratings)It lets your international visitors translate English words using double click.
Auto Translator for WPML
(1 total ratings)Auto translate your web using google translator and WPML.org plugin.
Pig Latin
(6 total ratings)Overrides the current language and translates all messages into Pig Latin.
Bunny’s Language Linker
(0 total ratings)Helps you create links between equivalent (but different language) pages between WordPress installations.
qTranslate loves WPEC
(2 total ratings)Adds translatable form fields for wp e-commerce taxonomies (product categories, variations and product tags).
(0 total ratings)The YarakuZen plugin helps you to translate your site using both machine translation and translation by professionals.
Livewords Flow
(0 total ratings)The Livewords Flow plugin connects a Wordpress installation to Livewords Flow using the WPML plugin.
Title Rus to Eng
(1 total ratings)Автоматический перевод заголовка постов и страниц с Русского на Английский
ICanLocalize Translator
(0 total ratings)Allows running multilingual WordPress sites with zero management. Automatically creates and updates translation when you edit.
GP Auto Extract
(0 total ratings)A plugin for GlotPress that adds an option to extract original strings from a remote source repo directly in to a GlotPress project.
Translation Preserver
(1 total ratings)A simple plugin that helps preserve your custom plugin translations through auto-updates by allowing you to put them in your WP languages folder.