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Radiant Business Light

Radiant Business Light

This theme hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

ایہ Radiant Business دا ٻال تھیم ہے۔

  • ورژن 1.1.1
  • Last updated ایف جے، وائی
  • Active installations 80+
  • WordPress version 5.7
  • PHP version 7.3

This is a child theme of Radiant Business. This theme gives you light version of the parent theme with all the features from parent theme plus second header to suite light skin, different style for featured content, footer fourth widget area, social widget and so on. Visit https://fireflythemes.com/support for support, https://fireflythemes.com/documentation/radiant-business-light for theme documentation and https://demo.fireflythemes.com/radiant-business for demo.

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فعال انسٹالیشناں: 80+


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